transitive verb
EN The opinions of this junto were completely controlled by Nicholas Vedder, a patriarch of the village, and landlord of the inn, at the door of which he took his seat from morning till night just moving sufficiently to avoid the sun and keep in the shade of a large tree; so that the neighbors could tell the hour by his movements as accurately as by a sun-dial.
GL As opinións desta comisión estaban totalmente controladas por Nicholas Vedder, un dos patriarcas da aldea, e propietario da taberna, na porta da cal ocupaba o seu asento dende a mañá á noite, movéndose unicamente para resgardarse do sol, e permanecer sempre á sombra dunha enorme árbore, de modo que os veciños podían saber qué hora era polos seus movementos coa mesma exactitude que se se tratase dun reloxo de sol.
Fonte: RIP (52)
EN Indeed, she had the whole of the other sex under her protection; for reasons she could not explain, for their chivalry and valour, for the fact that they negotiated treaties, ruled India, controlled finance; finally for an attitude towards herself which no woman could fail to feel or to find agreeable, something trustful, childlike, reverential; which an old woman could take from a young man without loss of dignity, and woe betide the girl -- pray Heaven it was none of her daughters! -- who did not feel the worth of it, and all that it implied, to the marrow of her bones.
GL A verdade é que ela tiña todo o sexo oposto baixo a súa protección; por razóns que non podía explicar, por mor da súa cortesía e valor, polo feito de que negociaban tratados, rexían a India, gobernaban as finanzas; finalmente por aquela actitude con ela que ningunha muller podía deixar de sentir ou de atopar agradable, un chisco confiada, infantil, reverencial; algo que unha muller de idade madura podía recibir dun rapaz novo sen perda da súa dignidade, e pobre da rapaza (¡e queira o ceo que non fose ningunha das súas fillas!) que non sentise o seu valor, e todo o que iso implicaba, no miolo dos ósos.
Fonte: CAR (29)
EN Here the prince would have paused, but alas! he had to deal with a demoniac horse and armor; once in action nothing could control them.
GL O príncipe, logo disto, tería parado, ¡mais ai! Tiña el que se arranxar cun cabalo e cunha armadura posuídas do demo... unha vez en acción nada os podía coutar.
Fonte: ALH (704)
EN This can be positive, but it can also turn a practice controlled by the community into an institution controlled by bureaucrats.
GL Isto pode ser positivo, pero tamén é posible que unha práctica controlada pola comunidade se convirta nunha institución manexada por burócratas.
Fonte: C05 (1061)
EN She now realizes that "these institutions were not formed by people saying --let's control the world'.
GL Comprendeu que estes organismos non foron creados por seres ávidos de domina-lo mundo.
Fonte: C08 (192)
EN The death knell had sounded for the notion of the media controlled by a one-party state to promote national development.
GL A teoría dos medios de comunicación dirixidos polo partido único con miras ó desenvolvemento pertence ó pasado.
Fonte: C09 (1148)
EN His arms hung helpless at his sides; of his eyes only he retained control, and these he dared not remove from the lusterless orbs of the apparition, which he knew was not a soul without a body, but that most dreadful of all existences infesting that haunted wood --a body without a soul!
GL Os brazos colgábanlle inertes polos costados; tan só sobre os ollos mantiña o control, pero non se atrevía a os apartar das órbitas apagadas da aparecida, que sabía que non era unha alma sen corpo, senón a máis arrepiante de todas as criaturas que infestaban aquela fraga enmeigada: ¡un corpo sen alma!
Fonte: HAL (109)
EN The "Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime" defines trafficking in persons as "the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.
GL O "Protocolo para previr, reprimir e sanciona-la trata de persoas, especialmente mulleres e nenos, que complementa a convención de Nacións Unidas contra a delincuencia organizada transnacional" sinala: "Por trata de persoas entenderase a captación, transporte, traslado, acollida ou recepción de persoas, recorrendo á ameaza ou uso da forza ou outras forma de coacción, ó rapto, fraude, engano, abuso de poder ou dunha situación de vulnerabilidade ou á concesión ou recepción de pagos ou beneficios para obte-lo consentimento dunha persoa que teña autoridade sobre outra, con fins de explotación.
Fonte: C06 (1049)
EN He says the Laotians were suspicious at first, but then came to trust him, as they have retained control of the operations throughout.
GL Yves Dauge salienta que, tras supera-lo escepticismo inicial, as autoridades laosianas adquiriron confianza e son elas as que sempre conservaron o manexo das operacións.
Fonte: C12 (687)
EN As an adviser to the expert panel on flood control during the feasibility study carried out in the 1980s, he maintains that the dam's flood control capacity "will only be limited".
GL Asesor dun grupo de expertos para a regulación das enchentes, no marco dun estudio realizado nos anos oitenta, Lu Qinkan afirma que só será capaz de controlalas de maneira limitada.
Fonte: C13 (748)
EN The state, they said, "should make a substantial investment to gain control of the land by buying it".
GL Para consolida-lo seu dominio sobre o sitio, o Estado debe adquirir numerosos terreos, o que esixe investimentos considerables.
Fonte: C18 (1087)