intransitive verb
EN Addressing this problem is the World Water Forum which convenes in The Hague this month, the culmination of a two-year process bringing together thousands of specialists, decision-makers and concerned citizens.
GL O Foro Mundial sobre a Auga que se celebrou na Haia en marzo de 2000 ocupouse deste problema. Especialistas, políticos e cidadáns alí reunidos
Fonte: C02 (1252)
EN Unrest erupted in Jakarta when Indonesia's electoral college convened in November 1998 to confirm Habibie and his policies.
GL A axitación desatouse cando en novembro de 1998 se reuniu o colexio electoral para confirmar a Habibie e a súa política.
Fonte: C19 (1083)
transitive verb
EN In 1948, UNESCO took the lead in involving itself with volunteering by convening the First Conference of Organisers of International Voluntary Workcamps.
GL En 1948, a UNESCO tomou a dianteira nese ámbito ó convoca-la Primeira Conferencia de Organizadores de Campamentos Internacionais de Traballo Voluntario.
Fonte: C06 (175)
EN In 1950, UNESCO convened a conference in Nice (France) at which universities spelt out three principles for which every higher learning institution should stand: "the right to pursue knowledge for its own sake and to follow wherever the search for truth may lead; the tolerance of divergent opinion and freedom from political interference; the obligation as social institutions to promote, through teaching and research, the principles of freedom and justice, of human dignity and solidarity".
GL En 1950 a UNESCO organizou en Niza unha conferencia en que as universidades enunciaron tres principios que todo establecemento de ensino superior debe defender: o dereito a procura-lo coñecemento por si mesmo e a verdade, onde queira que esta poida conducir; a tolerancia fronte a opinións diverxentes e o rexeitamento de toda interferencia política; o deber social de promover, a través do ensino, os principios de liberdade e de xustiza, de dignidade humana e de solidariedade.
Fonte: C25 (67)