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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- modification, modify, modulate, module, Moghol, moist, moisten, moisture, molasses, mold, Moldova, mole, molecular, molecule, molestation, mollusc, molten, moment, momentarily


- noun
- modelo

EN But this freedom will be fragile as long as it is cast in a single mold, the vehicle of a uniform globalization which speaks with a single voice, primarily that of commerce.
GL Emporiso, esa liberdade seguirá a ser fráxil mentres se pretenda pechala nun modelo único, so pretexto dunha mundialización uniforme, unívoca e, sobre todo, mercantil.
- Fonte: C32 (758)
- motley, motor, motorboat, motor-car, motorcycle, motorist, motorize, mottle, motto, mould, mouldering, mouldy, mound, mount, mountain, mountaineering, mountainous, mountain-side, mountain-top


- mold

- noun
- terra

EN He opened an eye, found the mould an inch or so from his face and his fingers gripped into it, light filtering between the fronds of fern.
GL Abriu un ollo e viu que tiña a terra a uns centímetros da cara; apreixouna cos dedos, mentres a luz se filtraba entre os fentos.
- Fonte: SEN (5905)
- carriza

EN Here I knocked off the neck of a bottle which I drew from a long row of its fellows that lay upon the mould.
GL E dicindo isto partín o colo dunha botella que sacara dunha longa fila de Médocs que xacían sobre a carriza.
- Fonte: CAS (78)
- molde

EN We were shaped in its mould.
GL E formámonos no seu molde.
- Fonte: C09 (1272)

- transitive verb
- moldear

EN 'Nature has but little clay,' said Mr Bankes once, hearing her voice on the telephone, and much moved by it though she was only telling him a fact about a train, 'like that of which she moulded you'.
GL «A natureza ten pouca arxila» dixo unha vez o señor Bankes, moi conmovido ó escoita-la súa voz por teléfono aínda que ela só lle estaba a dar información sobre un tren, «coma a que a moldeou a vostede.»
- Fonte: CAR (322)