transitive verb
EN The international aid agencies soon gauged the enormity of the problem and realized that the funds allotted were not enough to rectify a disaster of this magnitude.
GL Os organismos de axuda internacional déronse conta moi pronto da magnitude do problema e de que os fondos asignados non serían suficientes.
Fonte: C10 (764)
EN Writing guidebooks, designing posters and leaflets, making maps of the sites and creating Internet websites for communities where sometimes little Spanish was spoken were some of the most urgent tasks done by the scheme, which allotted between $20,000 and $40,000 to each project.
GL Elaborar guías turísticas, editar afiches, folletos ou planos dos sitios e dotar de páxinas web a comunidades que, nalgúns casos, a penas falaban español, foron algúns dos cometidos máis urxentes levados a cabo polo programa, que destinou a cada proxecto entre 20.000 e 40.000 dólares.
Fonte: C12 (323)
EN At the time, they managed to convince the state government to allot them a plot of land to build a small shelter and a school to educate destitute women.
GL Conseguiron convence-lo goberno rexional de que lles facilitase unha parcela para construír un pequeno centro e mais unha escola para educa-las mulleres sen recursos.
Fonte: C06 (458)