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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- anti-social, anti-specialist, anti-terrorist, antithesis, anti-tribe, anti-western, antler, Antwerp, anxiety, anxious, anxiously, any, anybody, anyhow, anymore, anyone, anything, anyway, anywhere


- adjective
- ansioso

EN He whispered an anxious inquiry of the lady in black, who did not notice him or reply, but kept her eyes fastened upon the pages of her velvet prayer-book.
GL Farfallou unha ansiosa pregunta á dama de negro, que, en vez de prestar atención ó contestar, mantivo os ollos espetados nas páxinas do seu misal de veludo.
- Fonte: ESP (457)
- preocupado

EN Buck, on the bank, worried and anxious, kept abreast of the boat, his eyes never off his master.
GL Buck, desde terra, ía a par da barca, inquedo e preocupado, sen afasta-los ollos do seu dono.
- Fonte: CHA (1261)
- desexoso

EN He said he was anxious to speak to you privately for a moment.
GL El dixo que estaba desexoso de falar con vostede un momento a soas.
- Fonte: ERN (840)
.....--- to be anxious
- preocuparse (por)

EN He was anxious for the sake of this friendship and perhaps too in order to clear himself in his own mind from the imputation of having dried and shrunk -- for Ramsay lived in a welter of children, whereas Bankes was childless and a widower -- he was anxious that Lily Briscoe should not disparage Ramsay (a great man in his own way) yet should understand how things stood between them.
GL Preocupáballe aquela amizade e quizais tamén xustificarse ante si mesmo da acusación de que el mirrara e quedara enxoito (xa que Ramsay vivía arrodeado dunha morea de fillos, mentres que Bankes quedara viúvo e sen fillos); preocupáballe que Lily Briscoe menosprezase a Ramsay (un gran home á súa maneira) pero debía comprender como andaban as cousas entre eles.
- Fonte: CAR (207)
- desexar

EN He was anxious that I should look after you when you arrived.
GL Desexaba que me encargara de vostede á súa chegada.
- Fonte: TER (540)
- devecer

EN It didn't fit, and wasn't in any way attractive, but it was new, and I was anxious to have it; so I didn't find any fault, but said, with some diffidence: "It would be an accommodation to me if you could wait some days for the money".
GL Non me sentaba ben e non era nada bonito, pero como era novo e eu devecía por el, non lle puxen pero ningún senón que dixen con certa timidez: Faríame vostede un favor se puidese esperar uns días polos cartos.
- Fonte: BIL (141)