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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- assist, assistance, assistant, associate, association, associational, assonant, assortment, assuage, assume, assumption, assurance, assure, assured, assuredly, asteroid, asthma, astir, astonish


- transitive verb
- asumir

EN The dramatic form is reached when the vitality which has flowed and eddied round each person fills every person with such vital force that he or she assumes a proper and intangible esthetic life.
GL Atínguese a forma dramática cando a vitalidade, que fluíu en remuíño ao redor dos personaxes, enche a estes con tal forza vital que eles, homes ou mulleres, asumen unha vida estética propia e intanxible.
- Fonte: RET (4282)
- simular

EN "There are so many inquisitive people and institutions abounding," said Arobin, "that one is really forced as a matter of convenience these days to assume the virtue of an occupation if he has it not".
GL --Hai tanta xente preguntona e tal abundancia de institucións --dixo Arobin-- , que, hoxe en día, un vese realmente forzado, por comenencia, a simula-la virtude dunha ocupación, se non se ten.
- Fonte: ESP (2473)
- adoptar

EN Would they never come, she asked, for she could not sustain this enormous weight of sorrow, support these heavy draperies of grief (he had assumed a pose of extreme decrepitude; he even tottered a little as he stood there) a moment longer.
GL ¿Non ía chegar ninguén?, preguntábase, pois xa non podía aturar aquel enorme peso da mágoa, non podía soportar esas pesadas colgaduras da tristeza (el adoptara unha pose de completa decrepitude; mesmo cambaleaba un chisco mentres estaba alí de pé), non o aturaba nin un momento máis.
- Fonte: CAR (2352)
- supor

EN He might assume that you were a sensible man and would come to me with your story as soon as you learned of Koch's death.
GL Podía supor que vostede era un home cabal e viría verme inda ben non soubese da morte de Koch.
- Fonte: TER (1503)
- supoñer

EN "Then why do you assume," she asked, "that mine isn't?"
GL --Entón ¿por que supós --preguntou ela-- que a miña non o está?
- Fonte: BES (523)
- dar por sentado

EN And do not let us assume more than we actually know.
GL E non deamos por sentado máis do que en realidade sabemos.
- Fonte: ASA (4623)