transitive verb
EN He mingled in the crowd, but was astonished to perceive that they were all listening to a parrot, who with his bright green coat, pragmatical eye, and consequential top-knot, had the air of a bird on excellent terms with himself.
GL Mesturouse coa multitude, mais quedou abraiado ó se decatar que estaban todos a escoitar un papagaio, que coa súa plumaxe verde e brillante, ollada impertinente e topete empoleirado, tiña a fasquía dun paxaro en excelentes relacións consigo mesmo.
Fonte: ALH (593)
EN They faced each other on the bright beach, astonished at the rub of feeling.
GL Enfrontáronse na brillante praia, pasmados polo estouro das paixóns.
Fonte: SEN (1504)
EN Nothing ever seemed to astonish her very much.
GL Nunca parecía asombrarse en demasía por nada.
Fonte: ESP (2209)
EN At once a quaintly pretty little figure in chequered purple and white followed my gesture, and then astonished me by imitating the sound of thunder.
GL De seguido, unha desas curiosas e pequenas figuras fermosas, vestida de cadros púrpuras e brancos, imitou o meu xesto e sorprendeume imitando o son do trono.
Fonte: TEM (553)