EN Blake wrote: I wonder if William Bond will die For assuredly he is very ill.
GL Blake escribira: Pregúntome se William Bond morrerá Porque seguramente está moi mal
Fonte: RET (5123)
de certo
EN Assuredly they are Americans, I meant what did you think of their personalities?
GL De certo que si. Pero o que lle pregunto é qué opinión lle merecen as súas personalidades.
Fonte: ASA (322)
sen dúbida
EN If she was old, or almost, John Marcher assuredly was, and yet it was her showing of the lesson, not his own, that brought the truth home to him.
GL Se ela era vella, ou case, John Marcher tamén o debía ser, sen dúbida, e, sen embargo, fora a aparencia dela, non a súa propia, o que o fixera caer na conta.
Fonte: BES (451)
EN The following is as correct a version of the fact as the reader would be likely to obtain from any other source; although, assuredly, it has a tinge of romance approaching to the marvellous: In one of the apartments of the Province-House there was long preserved an ancient picture, the frame of which was as black as ebony, and the canvass itself so dark with age, damp, and smoke, that not a touch of the painter's art could be discerned.
GL A seguinte é unha versión tan correcta do feito como o leitor sería capaz de obter de calquera outra fonte, aínda que, certamente, ten un matiz de achegamento novelesco ao marabilloso. Nun dos apousentos da Casa da Provincia conservárase desde había tempo un antigo cadro, o marco do cal era tan negro coma o ébano e o lenzo mesmo tan escuro por mor da idade, a humidade e o fume, que ningún toque da arte do pintor podía distinguirse.
Fonte: EDW (22)