transitive verb
EN It was a shot in the dark, but already he had this firm instinctive sense that there was something wrong, though he hadn't yet attached the word "murder" to the instinct.
GL Foi como ceibar unha sonda: instintivamente notaba que había algo que non cadraba anque, de momento, non relacionaba a palabra "asasinato" coa corazonada súa.
Fonte: TER (582)
EN They attached the line with which they had been snubbing the boat to Buck's neck and launched him into the stream.
GL Ataron a corda coa que remolcaran a embarcación arredor do pescozo de Buck e botárono á auga.
Fonte: CHA (1277)
EN The issue is not the language itself but the importance attached to it by its speakers.
GL Pois nese caso o que está en xogo non é a lingua, senón o valor que os seus falantes lle atribúen.
Fonte: C09 (581)
EN But in tending the Eye it found that it became quite attached to some of those transmitting cultures.
GL Pero, ó dirixi-lo Ollo, observou que se apegaba moito a algunhas culturas transmisoras.
Fonte: C16 (641)
EN The piña fabric had to be hand-woven because its fibres were never more than two metres in length and were hard to attach to each other.
GL A tea de piña debíase tecer á man porque as súas fibras nunca medían máis de dous metros e resultaban difíciles de anoar.
Fonte: C32 (1212)
..... to attach importance
dar importancia
EN William Bankes (who was entirely free from all such vanity) laughed, and said he attached no importance to changes in fashion.
GL William Bankes (que era completamente inmune a ese tipo de vaidade) riu e dixo que non daba importancia ós cambios da moda.
Fonte: CAR (1662)
conceder importancia
EN They attached no importance to the fact, but Messieurs, Pierre Michel has declared that he did not leave his seat except on certain specified occasions, none of which would take him down to the far end of the coach past the compartment in which Arbuthnot and MacQueen were sitting.
GL Eles non lle concederon importancia a este detalle, pero Messieurs, Pierre Michel declarou que non abandonou o seu asento salvo en determinadas ocasións, en ningunha das cales chegou a pasar por diante do compartimento no que Arbuthnot e MacQueen estaban sentados e que se atopa ó fondo do vagón.
Fonte: ASA (3846)