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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- atone, atonement, atop, atrasine, atrium, atrocious, atrocity, attach, attaché, attached, attachment, attack, attacker, attain, attainment, attempt, attend, attendance, attendant


- adjective
- atado

EN Marlowe's devils wore squibs attached to their tails: evil was like Peter Pan -- it carried with it the horrifying and horrible gift of eternal youth.
GL Os demos de Marlowe levaban petardos atados no rabo... O mal era como Peter Pan: conlevaba o don espantoso, terrible, da eterna mocidade.
- Fonte: TER (2070)
- suxeito

EN Aubrey carried a whistle dangling from his buttonhole and a bicycle lamp attached to his belt while the others had short sticks thrust daggerwise through theirs.
GL Aubrey levaba un chifro pendurado do ollal e un faro de bicicleta suxeito ao cinto, mentres os demais levaban atravesados nos seus uns paus cortos a xeito de puñal.
- Fonte: RET (1378)
- unido

EN Jack. I have a country house with some land, of course, attached to it, about fifteen hundred acres, I believe; but I don't depend on that for my real income.
GL JACK: Teño unha casa de campo con un terreo unido a ela, desde logo; uns mil cincocentos acres, creo; pero os meus ingresos reais non dependen diso.
- Fonte: ERN (494)
- anexo

EN There is a picture at Oxford, which I saw when a boy, of an old man with misery in his eye in the act of copying a book; and the story attached (I forget whether with any historic foundation), is that he was under a vow to copy out some great portion of the Bible before he allowed himself (or was allowed) to eat.
GL Hai unha pintura en Oxford, que vin cando neno, dun vello, coa tristeza no seu ollo, no acto de copiar un libro; e a lenda anexa (esquezo se con algún fundamento histórico) era que fixera voto de copiar unha gran parte da Biblia antes de permitirse (ou de que lle permitisen) comer.
- Fonte: LET (311)
- apegado

EN It also made me happy to see youth still so attached to African music, especially considering the influence of what they hear on the radio.
GL Tamén me gustou ver que a mocidade segue apegada á música africana a pesar do que oen pola radio.
- Fonte: C15 (431)
- aferrado

EN Communities are very attached to the free supply of water enjoyed by previous generations, but through frank and open dialogue they can also come to understand that it is a scarce resource which must now be paid for.
GL Aínda que as comunidades estean aferradas á gratuidade da auga desde hai xeracións, cun diálogo franco e aberto son tamén capaces de tomar conciencia de que é un ben escaso e de que hai que comezar a pagar por el.
- Fonte: C22 (754)
- ligado

EN I became attached to the show, and then to another, based on a play written by my uncle.
GL Pola forza das cousas funme sentindo ligado a ese espectáculo, e despois a outro baseado nunha obra escrita polo meu tío.
- Fonte: C28 (1321)
.....--- to be attached to
- tomar afecto a

EN Besides, he really was attached to Eben Bonabben, and being as yet but theoretically acquainted with the passion of love, he consented to confine the knowledge of it to his own bosom, rather than endanger the head of the philosopher.
GL Ademais, tomáralle afecto realmente ó sabio Bonabben; e tendo ata entón só un coñecemento teórico da paixón de amor, consentiu en confinar este saber no fondo do seu peito antes que pór en risco a cabeza do filósofo.
- Fonte: ALH (490)