EN She had no attachment here, she felt, no relations with it, anything might happen, and whatever did happen, a step outside, a voice calling ('It's not in the cupboard; it's on the landing,' someone cried), was a question, as if the link that usually bound things together had been cut, and they floated up here, down there, off, anyhow.
GL Non lle tiña achego ningún a isto, coidaba, non tiña relación ningunha con ela, podía acontecer calquera cousa, e se algo acontecía, uns pasos fóra, unha voz falando («Non está na despensa, está no relanzo», berrou alguén), era coma unha pregunta, coma se o vencello que normalmente unía as cousas se cortase e andasen a aboiar por aquí e por alá, sen rumbo, de calquera xeito.
Fonte: CAR (2213)
EN While the love of glory and posthumous reputation is as natural to man as his attachment to life itself, he must be, under such a state of things, trembling alive to the historic records of his honour or shame.
GL Se ben o anhelo de fama e recoñecemento póstumo é tan intrínseco ao ser humano coma o seu apego á propia vida, en tales circunstancias un estaría aterrorizado pola pegada que as súas glorias e miserias puideran deixar no rexistro da historia.
Fonte: DOD (95)
EN As he grew to such manhood as is attainable by a Southerner who does not care which way elections go the attachment between him and his beautiful mother --whom from early childhood he had called Katy-- became yearly stronger and more tender.
GL Mentres acadaba a madurez ao xeito en que o pode facer un sureño ao que non lle importan como van as eleccións, a unión entre el e súa fermosa nai --á que desde a máis temperá nenez chamaba Katy-- íase facendo ano tras ano máis forte e tenra.
Fonte: HAL (80)
EN Her husband noticed, and thought it was the expression of a deep filial attachment which he had never suspected.
GL O seu home decatouse, e pensou que era a expresión dun profundo vencello filial, do que endexamais sospeitara a existencia.
Fonte: ESP (1924)
EN Now and then some solutions of the mystery were hazarded: in particular I remember one from a young lady of seventeen, who said with a positive air,'That Mr. M.'s dejection was well known to arise from an unfortunate attachment in early life,' which assurance appeared to have great weight with some other young ladies of sixteen.
GL De vez en cando aventuraban algunhas solucións ó misterio; recordo unha en particular, dunha mociña de dezasete anos, que dixo, con aire sabido, que "era ben coñecido que o abatemento do Sr. M. viña dun vínculo desafortunado na súa vida anterior", a seguridade dela pareceu ter gran peso con outras mociñas de dezaseis anos.
Fonte: LET (10)
EN Filled with despair, and still inflamed by the memory of a profound attachment, the lover journeys from the capital to the remote province in which the village lies, with the romantic purpose of disinterring the corpse, and possessing himself of its luxuriant tresses.
GL Cheo de desesperación e aínda inflamado pola lembranza do seu profundo cariño, o amante viaxou dende a capital á remota provincia na que estaba a pequena vila, co romántico propósito de desenterra-lo corpo e apoderarse dos seus exuberantes cabelos.
Fonte: BUR (52)