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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- attach, attaché, attached, attachment, attack, attacker, attain, attainment, attempt, attend, attendance, attendant, attended, attention, attentive, attentively, attenuated, attest, attestation


- transitive or intransitive verb
- acudir a

EN One might forgive the good folk of Santiago many shortcomings on the strength of the beautiful and splendidly impresive Sunday Mass at the cathedral --it is true that only a score or so of them are wont to attend it-- with its fine organ-music and singing, and procession of gold cross and lighted candles, scarlet monaguillos, canons in black with their dagger crosses of St. James, and priests in splendid copes of green and gold.
GL Poderíanselle perdoar moitos defectos ó bo pobo de Santiago pola forza da misa do Domingo na catedral (de certo que só unha pequena parte dese pobo non acode a ela), preciosa, espléndida e impresionante pola boa música de órgano e canto, e pola procesión coa cruz de ouro e as candeas acesas, os acólitos de escarlata, os cóengos de negro coas cruces de Santiago en forma de daga e os cregos con espléndidas capas verdes e douradas.
- Fonte: GAL (640)
- asistir a

EN Certain evenings during the week she and her husband attended the opera or sometimes the play.
GL Algunhas noites, durante a semana, ela e mailo home asistían á ópera ou, ás veces, ó teatro.
- Fonte: ESP (1373)
- acompañar

EN Yet, instead of affixing his signature to an official order, there sat the Lieutenant-Governor, so carefully scrutinizing the black waste of canvass, that his demeanour attracted the notice of two young persons who attended him.
GL Porén, no canto de pór a súa sinatura nunha orde oficial, alí sentado o tenente-gobernador estaba tan coidadosamente escrutando o preto deserto do lenzo que a súa conduta atraeu a atención das dúas persoas novas que o acompañaban.
- Fonte: EDW (28)
- participar en

EN He had three or four boon companions, who regarded him as their model, and at the head of whom he scoured the country, attending every scene of feud or merriment for miles round.
GL Tiña tres ou catro amigos íntimos, igualiños ca el, que o tiñan como modelo e ó mando dos cales percorría a comarca, participando en calquera pelexa ou festa que houbese en varios quilómetros á redonda.
- Fonte: LEN (111)
.....--- to attend to
- atender

EN Death, a cause of terror to the sinner, is a blessed moment for him who has walked in the right path, fulfilling the duties of his station in life, attending to his morning and evening prayers, approaching the holy sacrament frequently and performing good and merciful works.
GL A morte, causa de terror para quen peca, é un momento de benzón para quen camiñou polo sendeiro dereito, cumprindo os deberes do seu paso pola vida, atendendo as suas pregarias de mañá e de noite, frecuentando os santos sacramentos e realizando obras boas e misericordiosas.
- Fonte: RET (2347)
- ocuparse de

EN In a word Rip was ready to attend to anybody's business but his own; but as to doing family duty, and keeping his farm in order, he found it impossible.
GL En resumo, Rip estaba disposto a ocuparse dos problemas de calquera antes que dos seus, mais o que era atender ás obrigacións familiares e mante-la súa granxa en orde, resultáballe imposible.
- Fonte: RIP (32)
- prestar atención a

EN He had no one near him to put coals on his ever-burning fires while he slept, or to attend to the changeful colours of his medicines while he studied.
GL Non tiña quen mantivese o lume aceso mentres el durmía ou quen prestase atención ós cambios de cor das súas menciñas mentres estudiaba.
- Fonte: MOR (25)
.....--- to attend to a duty
- cumprir con un deber

EN You would not crush out that pride and anger in your heart, you would not restore those ill-gotten goods, you would not obey the precepts of your holy church nor attend to your religious duties, you would not abandon those wicked companions, you would not avoid those dangerous temptations.
GL Non esmagastes o arruallo e a carraxe do voso corazón, non restituístes os bens mal adquiridos, non obedecestes os preceptos da Santa Igrexa nin cumpristes cos vosos deberes relixiosos, non abandonastes as malas compañías nin evitastes as tentacións perigosas.
- Fonte: RET (2501)
.....--- to attend school, university, church
- ir á escola, á universidade, á igrexa

EN Half the girls in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia never attend school, with the highest disparity found in the latter region (15 points).
GL En África Subsahariana e Asia Meridional, o 50% das nenas nunca van á escola. Asia Meridional é a rexión onde a disparidade entre os sexos é maior (15 puntos).
- Fonte: C02 (106)