EN Attended with the creaking of hinges and the screeching of bolts, the slamming and banging of damp-swollen woodwork, some rusty laborious birth seemed to be taking place, as the women, stooping, rising, groaning, singing, slapped and slammed, upstairs now now down into the cellars.
GL Acompañado polo renxer dos gonzos e do chiar dos pechos, do bater das portas coa madeira inchada pola humidade, semellaba ter lugar un parto laborioso e difícil, mentres as mulleres, anicándose, erguéndose, suspirando e cantaruxando, sacudían e batían, agora no piso de arriba, logo abaixo no soto.
Fonte: CAR (2140)
EN She had been walking some quarter of an hour, attended by her two cavaliers, and responding in a tone of very childish gaiety, as it seemed to Winterbourne, to the pretty speeches of Mr Giovanelli, when a carriage that had detached itself from the revolving train drew up beside the path.
GL Estivera camiñando aproximadamente un cuarto de hora, escoltada polos dous cabaleiros e respondendo ás bonitas parolas de Mr Giovanelli nun ton de ledicia infantilesca -- así llo parecía a Winterbourne -- cando unha carruaxe que se separara do tren de paseo achegouse xunto ó camiño.
Fonte: DAI (946)