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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- bored, boredom, boring, born, borough, borrow, borrowing, Bosnia, Bosnian, bosom, Bosphorus, boss, botanic, botanical, botanist, botany, both, bother, bottle


- noun
- peito

EN I know not what sudden impulse animated her bosom, but at the sight, she sprung with a light fawn-like bound down the marble steps, and was hastening towards me.
GL Non sei que repentina forza espertou no seu peito que, ó verme, baixou a escaleira de mármore brincando coma unha corza e botou a correr cara a min.
- Fonte: MOR (116)
- seo

EN Instead the vital wave had carried him on its bosom out of himself and back again when it receded: and no part of body or soul had been maimed but a dark peace had been established between them.
GL No seu lugar a onda vital levárao no seo para devolvelo outra vez ao ciar: e ningunha parte do seu corpo ou alma se estragara senón que unha paz sombría se establecera entre eles.
- Fonte: RET (2142)
- peituga

EN Hard by the farmhouse was a vast barn, that might have served for a church; every window and crevice of which seemed bursting forth with the treasures of the farm; the flail was busily resounding within it from morning to night; swallows and martins skimmed twittering about the eaves; and rows of pigeons, some with one eye turned up, as if watching the weather, some with their heads under their wings, or buried in their bosoms, and others swelling, and cooing, and bowing about their dames, were enjoying the sunshine on the roof.
GL Preto da granxa había un enorme celeiro, que podería servir de igrexa. Cada unha das súas ventás e fendas parecía querer estalar polos tesouros que contiña; podíase escoitar cómo separaban o grao continuamente no seu interior durante día e noite; as andoriñas e os vencellos cantaban mentres voaban polos beirados e había varias bandadas de pombas. Algunhas delas miraban cara a arriba só cun ollo, coma se estivesen vixiando o tempo que ía; outras escondían a cabeza baixo a ala, ou afundíana nas plumas da peituga, e outras tomaban o sol no tellado, inchando o peito, chirlando e cortexando as súas damas.
- Fonte: LEN (86)
- cerne

EN They digged and digged, but in vain; the flinty bosom of the hill resisted their implements; or if they did penetrate a little way, the earth filled in again as fast as they threw it out.
GL Cavaron e máis cavaron, mais en balde; o pedroso cerne da montaña resistía as súas ferramentas ou, de elas furaren un pouco, a terra volvía a enche-lo burato tan axiña como a deitaban fóra.
- Fonte: ALH (314)
- tetas

EN The squaw that was weaving the blanket was sort of bending over, and you could see her bosom and all.
GL A squaw estaba delongada para adiante, e víanselle as tetas.
- Fonte: VIX (3929)